Libraries and Information centres are increasingly involved in management practices, due to the challenges posed by various factors, such as pressure from the parent body, limitation of resources, inability to satisfy the micro-level and specialized information requirements of the users and above all, the recent widespread trend of library automation which leads to the extensive use of information technology in libraries etc. Each organization tends to develop its own personality due to the climate existing with in and outside the organizations. The climate influences the organizational behaviour to a great extent. But there bound to be similarities in certain factors among organizations, which have a common goal.
Generally a service organization mainly aims at the welfare measures or services. It is a known fact that Libraries are considered as service oriented organizations, and they are not revenue fetching departments. Though the major objective appears to be similar, the organizational behaviour of each type of the library is differing. The major factor which differentiate the organizational behaviour of each type of organization is the ‘organizational culture or climate’ This study identified the factors involved in the organizational climate of engineering college libraries and their impact on each other and in personnel management.